Sexual assault and sexual harassment can have devastating consequences on a victim.
If you are concerned about the possibility of self harm, or if a loved one is concerned about the emotional health of a friend or family member, there are many resources that can help. Follow the links below for where you live in Canada and the U.S. These people really want to help and can make a life saving difference.
Every emergency unit in every accredited hospital in the U.S. and Canada should be able to properly treat victims in dire distress. Don’t take chances. Call 911. Sometimes a second chance does not come along.
For less urgent situations, The ZeroNow Campaign is always available to listen and respond with a compassionate and informed voice. Often just sharing your story with other survivors and mentors and knowing from their lived experience that it is possible to make your way out of the tunnel and into light can be the biggest help of all.
It’s why we like to remind everyone:
We are powered by survivors to empower victims like you.
You can reach us here. All information is will be kept strictly confidential.